zipME Japanese

What is zipME?

A pure Java zip compression library for Java ME CLDC/MIDP applications.

It is mostly compatible with the package in Java SE/CDC, so that an application can easily handle a zip file in the same manner as that in Java SE/CDC.

This library is useful because the CLDC/MIDP doesn't officially support the package or any of alternative zip compression/uncompression libraries.


2007-07-31 zipME 0.9 released


This code is released under the GPL license with a special exception:

As a special exception, if you link this library with other files to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.


zipME 0.9 is available here.

How to Use

1. Requirements
In order to develop a MIDP application using zipME, the following software are required:
Java SE JDK 5.0
Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5 for CLDC

2. Installing the Library
Download the zipME binary release and unzip it. You will find 'zipme.jar' file under the 'lib' directory. Copy it into WTK's 'apps/<your_project_name>/lib' directory, where <your_project_name> is your MIDP application's project directory.

3. Developing an Application
Write application code that calls API in the net.sf.zipme.* package, and build it using WTK. zipME only requires the CLDC 1.0 and the MIDP 1.0 API.


See the Javadoc for more details on the API.
zipME 0.9 Javadoc is available here.


SourceForge project page

SVN repository

Copyright (C) 2007 Akihiko Kusanagi Logo